Business photo retouch

Feb 26, 2015

The photo retouch combines a very wide range of processes in post-production. A simple retouch can take 30 minutes per photo, and a more demanding and thorough one even 2 hrs per photo. Read below to learn about the gradation of possibilities in graphic post-production.


Post-production of the photos made during the session, included in the price of the photographic service is called the DRI process. Detalis of the process:
– color correction
– tonal adjustment (recovery of the details from previously too bright or too dark parts of the photo)
– framing
– slight skin retouch

When photographing i.e.15 people on one shoot, part of the group might appear with more “yellowish” and part with more “pinkish” skintone. Part of the DRI process is to even the colors, to make the group appear with integrity. A huge role in this process is played by the correctly made makeup and the correction of color in post-production evens and fulfills the whole project, creating cohesive aesthetics of the final production.

If the shoot happens to be on light or dark backdrop, DRI retouch process includes background cleaning.

If basic post production is not enough, more time consuming retouch is needed such as:

  • the skin of photographed models appears “problematic” and require more detailed brushing
  • we are expected “ironing” of the clothes in post-production
  • the models wish to appear slimmer and younger,  than in reality
  • sophisticated background modifications

The above and other time consuming procedures of the PRO retouch elements are processed for an additional fee by our retoucher.
The pricing of PRO retouch is on demand, via e mail.

Antoni Łoskot

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